
He is strong

You could say I am a strong person.

Yeah, that’s a lie. Don’t believe it. I just put on a hard cover that I am made of steel.When I am really breaking apart on the inside. I don’t show my emotion a lot, but when I do the rain pours. Certain things will set me off and I’ll for like 20 solid minutes. It’s like a facet behind my eyes that won’t shut off. So when something sets me off, hold on. It is neither attractive or cute, when I cry.

but the good news is, I don’t have to stay strong I can breakdown and cry for no reason. my precious grandmother told me, ‘Girls don’t need a reason to cry.’ But when I am weak He is strong. When I am stressed, He is strong. When I am breaking apart, He is strong.

Because of His strength in me, today I am going to show my emotions without shame.

He strong in me.

“God arms me with strength, and he makes my way perfect.”-Psalm 18:32



Happy 3rd Anniversary!


Happy Birthday, WordPress!

As of April 23, 2016, I have had this blog, The Backdrop to My Life Painting, for three years. How time flies when you are having fun! I have shared with you my blog followers, my highlight reel and the moments I would rather hide under the rug. However, it has been a fun haul!

Back in 2013, as I thought about starting a blog I did not think I could write anything worth reading. However, I was wrong. I realize now I would be a very different person without it. I view this blog as a growing experience (if you want to see my growth as I writer read my previous blog posts) and it is how I process things by typing them. So thank you for reading my processing, you have been a great audience.


In the words of Frank Sinatra, “The best is yet to come.”


Mary Hannah



Makeup is overrated

I used to think I needed to wear makeup because all my friends were. I felt I needed to look a certain way to fit in.  When I would spend the night with two of my best friends our Saturdays revolved around playing sisters (pretend) and doing makeovers. by the time I was twelve I knew more about makeup than any normal twelve-year-old should. I was wearing the whole nine-yards of makeup by the time I was fourteen and now wonder why.

Seriously, why did I feel like I needed to cover up what God has given me.

When I was nineteen, my life got busy and I just decided to not wear  that much makeup. Looking through pictures that I like the most of myself, I am wearing little or no makeup.And that when I decided what the heck? And put down the makeup brushes. My make up routine has changed a lot since I was fourteen, I went from wearing everything from wearing foundation to eyeliner and now I wear on a good day I will leave the house with face powder and mascara. Mascara can take you a long way. These days it is not uncommon to find me with my hair in a messy bun and little makeup on(like right now). I only get all dolled up for big events such as weddings, banquets, and places I might see important people.

in all seriousness, why do we (girls) feel like we need to cover up every blemish? we were made in the image of God, put down the makeup brushes. makeup is overrated anyway.



My family make me a better person

I recently took a quiz on Facebook, ‘What is in your heart?’

The answer I received was Family, that is completely true. My family is the reason I am the way I am today. The quote Facebook had pretty much sums up the way I feel about my fam.

“your heart is full of love for your family. Your biggest strength is your family and you love them to bits.” I could just end my post with that quote and say ‘deuces’, but I want to share why my family is so special to me.

not to take anything away from other families, but mine is awesome. we are loud, weird, sarcastic, crazy, and some times just plain annoying. We have adopted a family theme song and we love each other tp bits. Iam the third born of four and my siblings will take up for me 110%. when we were growing up, we were all homeschooled together and that created ke super glue. A bond that goes beyond college or living an hour apart. I have an older sister, Julia, an older brother, Cody, and a younger brother, Caleb. When we get together it gets crazy. especially when we’re not with mom and dad. Don’t get me wrong my parents are great people and i love them dearly. but there is just a special bond my siblings and i have.

My parents met at the University of Georgia (UGA) and our family bleeds red and black not just during football season, any time of year. My sister, Julia, has graduated from UGA with a Bachelors of Science in Early Childhood Education; Cody is preparing to enter the Pharamacy Program at UGA; and I may follow in thier footsteps, I don’t know what the future holds,but I wherever I am I will be a Dawg fan!!

Much love,




The Holy Spirit Alive in me

I have never been one for waiting. I am like a little kid when it comes to being patient. I like things to happen RIGHT NOW.

However when we let go and let God amazing things can happen. I can attest to this and it is amazing what the Holy Spirit is capable of doing.

If Jesus did not return to Heaven, we would not have the Holy Spirit. Just think about what life would be like without the Holy Spirit. My life for one would be boring! I act directly on the Holy Spirit’s influence in my life and without it my life would look completely different.

I would not have the influence of so many people in my life. I would not be where I am today without the Holy Spirit’s influence.


Thank you Jesus for sending us the Holy Spirit.



Worrying over 6 stitches

if I had to say what my life goal has been to not injure myself badly enough to be treated with stitches.

Growing up with two brothers, I have seen my share of gashes and stitches. collectively my brothers have over forty stitches and did not want an invitation to that party. there was a time I may have had to get stitches and the fuss I made would make any toddler proud. thankfully they put glue on it and sent me home.

As of Leap Day 2016, my goal was not met. it was Leap Day and I thought why not do something I have never done before: get stitches. I cut my leg and my parents took me to get stitched up. I got six stitches and lived to tell about it.

I realize now why the thought of stitches was so uninviting to me; well, I had heard my younger brothers horror stitches stories. but it was an unknown, something I had not experienced and frankly I was scared. When the doctor, asked me if I wanted stitches or to let it heal on its own. everything in me was screaming,’I don’t want stitches!’ But when I agreed to stitches, so it would heal nicer, a quote ran through my head.

“Worrying doesn’t change anything.”

I had read it in Sadie Robertson’s Live Original and that quote has sustained me through many scary times.

“Worrying doesn’t change anything.”

Why do we worry?
God has the situation under control. Why we calculate so much worry over it, God is in control. I think as humans we are prone to worry. However in Matthew 6:25-34 Jesus tells us to stop worrying for it cannot add one hour to your life.
Matthew 6:34, says,
“There do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow worry about itself. Each day has enough worry of it own.” That verse has helped me overcome my anxiety over all the tomorrows of my life and it an help you too! 🙂
“Worrying doesn’t change anything. ” God has already written this chapter of your life, make it a best-seller!!
Have a great day!!
I have gotten my stitches out and have a half-inch scar on my calf! 🙂