
Love and Kindness

Valentine’s Day is a day devoted to love, my feeling about that is that we should be loving all 366 days of this year (it’s a leap year, y’all). Our love shouldn’t be restricted to one day.

“We love because he first loved us.”-1 John 4:19 ESV

This Valentine’s Day, I woke up to surprise flowers from my younger brother. It is with great anticipation, I look forward to the day I’ll receive flowers from a man, who doesn’t share my last name. Until that day, I will take advantage of the benefits of not having a boo on Valentine’s Day. I was in the bed last night at 10 and wore sweats to the dining room table for dinner.

While I can’t wait to have to dress up for dinner on the day of love, I am just going to sit here and be thankful for my other relationships that God has blessed me with.

“Two people are better than one…”-Ecclesiastes 4:9a ESV 

I used to read that and think that once I got in a romantic relationship, I would be better. That verse doesn’t say when you find someone to make you happy, you’ll be better, but two people are better. We were created to do life with other people. Back in the garden of Eden, when God saw Adam was alone, He said it wasn’t good for the man to be alone. (Genesis 2:18) We were created for friendship.

We weren’t made to be a lone wolf; we need a pack. When we are isolated, we can be vulnerable to temptation and doing things we never thought we’d do. It’s better to be with someone. 

“for they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” -Ecclesiastes 4:9b-10ESV

Our friends will lift us up when we feel down and pick us up when we fall.

It’s better to have one friend, than none at all. 

Let’s remember to be kind and loving this year. Robin Williams said,

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you nothing about. Be kind. Always.”


Be kind out there, 


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