

At my church, we are doing a series on emotional health. We do not focus enough on that topic. We spend time on our physical health, getting a gym membership and getting a personal trainer. In addition, our spiritual health matters to us in the time we spend at church and in quiet time with God. However, our emotional health is put on the back burner and is forgotten. The tagline for this series is, “It’s OK to not be OK, but it’’s not OK to stay that way.” I have experienced feelings I have not wanted to feel in has allowed me to open a barrier that I unconsciously set between God and me. It was last Saturday, when I broke the barrier and listened to God. I was outside on an unseasonably warm day for Georgia, sitting on the swing under the blue sky. I talked to God about my emotional health. I cannot remember the last time I sat and listened. Immeasurable things happen, if you just listen to God’s voice.

Last month, I read the book of John and came across a verse that is so revealing and promising to me. John 5:17, “My father is always working and so am I.” when I read that it was like a wow- that’s deep moment. I had to reread it like four times to comprehend it; I still don’t fully. However, I have a better understanding now. God is ALWAYS at work in my life. Even when I don’t feel him, he is there working, planning, giving me a future. I realize now when I read that I was just going through the motions. Living without a purpose. And it made me realize that I do have a purpose in life right now. My purpose is to live for Jesus and learn more about Him and who I am.

So, if you feel like your going through the motions and cannot feel God, let me assure you He’s not done with you. The best is yet to come.




Dealing with Depression

I have dealt with depression for years. I know what it feels like to want to end it all. i know what its like to be going through the motions. i know what it feels like to not have a purpose. Depression is a dark emotion and I have found comfort in knowing I’m not the only person dealing with depression. it’s a common illness. I think every one deals with a certain degree of depression. After years of dealing with the beast of depression, I have now remembered what it feels like and have come up with ways to counteract the depression. And I would like to share my ways for dealing with depression. I hope you find comfort in these and remember you are not the only one going through depression.

1. Surround yourself with joyful people and tell one of those joyful people.
I think that is one of the biggest tips I could give you. The people you surround yourself with influence your mood. if you are around sad people you will be sad all the time, but if you have people around you, who are genuinely happy; you will be happy too. 🙂
2. Keep a regular quiet time with God.
If you need help overcoming something, God will
help you. i am a firm believer in the power of prayer; with it lives can be saved, paths made straight and people changed. if you need help with your depression, lay it at God’s feet and he will change you.
1 Peter 5:7 says, “Cast all your anxieties on Him because He cares for you.”
That verse doesn’t say ‘cast only the anxieties you think he will care about.’ No, it says cast ALL your anxieties on him because He cares for you. He cares about your depression. if you give your problems to God, he will fix them.
3. Keep going to church.
I know some days, we don’t feel like getting out of bed. But I’ll tell you, you’ll never overcome your depression if you sit at home alone. You will only be more depressed. I believe when we are worshiping with other believers, it helps make us feel loved, cherished, and valuable.
4. Count your blessing.
Like the song says Count your Blessings instead of sheep. I have a Blessing Jar that I keep a record of the people that are blessings in my life. When I’m depressed, I will look back through my blessings and realize how much I do have.


A Wake up call

yesterday was veterans day. a day reserved to honor and appreciate our Veterans, the men and women who have put there lives on the line to preserve this beautiful nation. before I go any deeper into my blog post; I want to say thank you to the many men and women who gave something of themselves to protect this beautiful nation.

For awhile now I felt like God kind of just left me on my own and i could not feel him working in my life. then during my morning chapter reading of the Bible, i was reading chapter five of the Gospel of John and stumbled over this powerful verse. John 5:17
“My Father is always working and so am I.” That verse was a wake up call to me. A wake up call, that God is not finished with me and is ALWAYS working in and through me. A wake up call, that He is not done with me. He has immeasurably more planned for me. He is never quiet, He is at work day and night. He is ALWAYS WORKING. God is always at work in our lives. Even when we don’t feel it, He’s always there.