
Into the future

Happy April, y’all! I can’t believe it’s already the fourth month of 2024. Is it just me or does time feel like it is moving fast?

It’s mind blowing to me that this blog will be ELEVEN years old this month. I believe it’s on the 19th, but don’t hold me to that. ELEVEN YEARS. If you have been with me since the beginning, I want to thank you for being the one who read what I wrote in Georgia, USA. I am blessed and privileged to have a readership that reaches the nice folks in Ireland to those people in India to Canada and Nepal. Y’all are blowing my mind. I began this blog in 2013, I was 17, and a friend told me “it’s writing, just on the internet.” Eleven years. You have read so much of my life and the best is yet to come. 

There is a song that says,

“Time keeps on slippin’, slippin’, slippin’
Into the future”-Steve Miller Band

It really is, at an accelerated rate it seems, but the truth is this year isn’t going any faster than the years before. My calendar is just filled up with jobs, weddings, and other activities. I was having dinner with a friend, after I told her that it has been TWO yearssince I broke up with my ex (I can’t believe it either) in disbelief she asked, 

‘What is time?’

Time is more than what is on a clock. Time began when God spoke the world into motion. When He said, “Let there be light” there was, and time began. 

“For everything there is a season and a time for every event under heaven.”-Ecclesiastes 3:1 ESV 

God has a time ordained for everything. He knew I would be writing this exact blog post before the idea was in my head. He knew I would break up with my boyfriend two years ago, He wasn’t surprised. You see, He is involved in each of His children’s lives. 

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives.”-Psalm 37:23 NLT 

He saw the beginning and end of my life, but I was even born. 

“but with your own eyes saw my body being formed. Even before I was born, you had written in your book everything about me.”- Psalm 139:16 CEV 

All my days were in His book before any of them came to be, even if it feels like they are going by fast. God has time in His hand, and He is holding mine. 

Stay strong!



I’m not going to cry

Change is a word I don’t necessarily like. In my past and even today, change was a word that held goodbyes and tears.  

I can be like the ostrich, who buries their head in the sand and pretends the change isn’t happening.  

A synonym for change is transformation.  

This past weekend, I saw an osprey soaring through the sky. Ospreys are a member of the hawk family; they have a brown back and wings with white underparts. (see the above picture) 

I believe there is a spiritual element in everything we encounter, so I Googled what is the spiritual meaning of seeing an osprey. One of the answers I read was, “Transformation.”  

Sometimes change needs to happen for us to be transformed. God picked me up out of the comfortability of my old life and transformed me into a new person.  

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” -2 Corinthians 5:17 ESV  

When I got my heart broken back in ’15, I was encouraged with this piece of hope,  

‘Discomfort is necessary for transformation.’ 

Transformation is different than change. You can change your hair or your clothes, but to be transformed you are a completely different person. An entire 360 and your wardrobe changes and you feel better about yourself.  

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” -Ephesians 2:10 NLT  

Even if this change might hurt, it’ll be on the path of transformation.  

Stay strong out there!!   



Love is brave

Walking allows you to take in your surroundings, running you could miss something important. 

It’s been probably four years since I have a daily walk; you know back during the pandemic that was all we could do. Back in 2020, I think I took two walks a day, there was nothing to do. I survived y’all, I was homeschooled. 

Yesterday, I went to lunch with a friend, who enjoys running.

I smiled and responded, 

‘I am so happy you found something to make you happy, but God didn’t create me to run.’ 

I’m ALWAYS down for a walk and I would like to start hiking. Maybe hiking will be my challenge next month, but the one for this month is to walk a mile every day. An intentional mile. I can get a mile walk in when I’m out with my dog. By being intentional, I am slowing down and taking in what’s around me. 

My walking path is my driveway and it as well as my house are both in a forest. As I left the house this morning, a slight drizzle was falling, but that just added to my experience. The trees have no leaves on them, but in a few weeks, everything will be blooming. One of my favorite things is to walk in the rain, but this morning I really wanted to stay in the house, where it was dry and warm, but I braved the elements to complete today’s March challenge. 

I was messaging a friend today and she said, 

“Every day do something that pushes you. Choose bravery.” 

The opposite of bravery is fear. When God created us, he did not give a spirit of fear, but one of love. Love is brave. 

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightening, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”-Joshua 1:9ESV

Let’s choose to be brave. 

Stay strong!




Self-care is talked about a lot these days, five years ago we didn’t even know what that phrase meant. These days that phrase can mean any number of things, from a walk to reading a book. Today is my self-care day. For me that looks like a slow morning, a walk, and doing them  by myself.  To care for myself, I need to step back from the crowds. I need time to recharge. I am not alone in doing this,  

“But Jesus would often go to someplace where he could be alone and pray.”-Luke 6:15 CEV  

Throughout the four Gospels it speaks of Jesus withdrawing to a desolate place. Desolate means a place without people. People are great, but sometimes overwhelming. I LOVE hanging with my people, but sometimes I need a break. A break where I can be by myself and can do what I want to do. I finished watching a movie, where one of the character said,  

“Everyone deserves a day off.”  

I don’t know if a day off exists for a writer, but it sounds good. More like a day where you can do what you want. I didn’t have to blog about self-care, but I wanted to. I didn’t have to send those emails this morning, but I wanted to.  

We should feel free to do what we want, and not have the underlying issue of being judged. I hope you find you a desolate place, with a good book. If you can’t find it, God will provide it!!  

Stay strong 



Love and Kindness

Valentine’s Day is a day devoted to love, my feeling about that is that we should be loving all 366 days of this year (it’s a leap year, y’all). Our love shouldn’t be restricted to one day.

“We love because he first loved us.”-1 John 4:19 ESV

This Valentine’s Day, I woke up to surprise flowers from my younger brother. It is with great anticipation, I look forward to the day I’ll receive flowers from a man, who doesn’t share my last name. Until that day, I will take advantage of the benefits of not having a boo on Valentine’s Day. I was in the bed last night at 10 and wore sweats to the dining room table for dinner.

While I can’t wait to have to dress up for dinner on the day of love, I am just going to sit here and be thankful for my other relationships that God has blessed me with.

“Two people are better than one…”-Ecclesiastes 4:9a ESV 

I used to read that and think that once I got in a romantic relationship, I would be better. That verse doesn’t say when you find someone to make you happy, you’ll be better, but two people are better. We were created to do life with other people. Back in the garden of Eden, when God saw Adam was alone, He said it wasn’t good for the man to be alone. (Genesis 2:18) We were created for friendship.

We weren’t made to be a lone wolf; we need a pack. When we are isolated, we can be vulnerable to temptation and doing things we never thought we’d do. It’s better to be with someone. 

“for they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” -Ecclesiastes 4:9b-10ESV

Our friends will lift us up when we feel down and pick us up when we fall.

It’s better to have one friend, than none at all. 

Let’s remember to be kind and loving this year. Robin Williams said,

“Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you nothing about. Be kind. Always.”


Be kind out there, 



Grateful/A reason

I really wish inspiration was a switch I could flip on and be able to write. For the past month, I haven’t written anything (except to-do lists). I honestly thought I had heard God wrong, and writing wasn’t what I am called to do. But I have found a way around the writer’s block, and the inspiration is coming back.  

I had an experience that made me cherish how great it is to be alive.  

I was riding in the car, texting a friend, and looked up just in time to see a car run straight into the passenger side of the vehicle; right where I was sitting. When I stepped out of the car, I felt God whisper this phrase over my heart, 

‘Spared for a purpose.’  

That was the second car accident I have been in and walked away from without a major injury. The first one was fifteen years ago, the car flipped over, and the passenger visor hit me on the head, so I was bleeding, other than that I walked away from that accident. When I stepped out of that car, in 2023, I felt that there was a reason I was spared. I could have died last week but thank the Almighty I was spared for a purpose.  

To the person that feels like they’re going through the mundane and can’t find purpose, listen to me for a minute.  

You were created on purpose for a purpose. I believe that purpose is to bring glory to God, I don’t know what you believe. No matter what you believe, you can strive to find the good in every day.  

In the words of Andy Grammar,  

“Damn, it feels go to be me


Happy November!

Happy November, folks!

Today marks the beginning of a new month. A month with new opportunities and adventures for the first time this year, I don’t have anything on the calendar. I don’t know what this month holds, on one hand I’m excited for the mystery. But on the other hand, the control freak in me, is nervous. I like a plan.

I love a good mystery, but not when it comes to my life. I need to know what is happening and when. God doesn’t give us a road map. His two commandments are TRUST and OBEY.

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.”

Proverbs 3:5 ESV

He’ll get us to where we need to when we need to be there. We need, myself included, sit back and enjoy the journey.


A way through it

My heart breaks for the violence that is unfolding in Israel.

The truth I am holding on to is God is in control. He is still on the throne, and He will provide a way out for the Israeli people. God always provides for the people He loves.

I am self-employed as a petsitter and housesitter.

It’s challenging to find jobs. Earlier this year, I was thinking about calling it quits. Until God intervened. Whenever I think about quitting, I am reminded of God faithfulness. He provides. There is a song by Brigette Ligertwood and Brandon Lake called Honey in the Rock. It’s one of my faves and one line says, ‘manna on the ground no matter where I go.’

I take that to mean that God will provide. When the Israelites were wandering in the desert and complaining about not having food. God provided them manna to eat.

He’ll provide. Believe for it.


Just some thoughts for ya!




I have ALWAYS loved rain. 

There is nothing I like better than a summer rainstorm in Georgia. 

When I was about seven or so, I was exploring this whole God thing and one Sunday after church I hit my knees on the windowsill in my bedroom and prayed, 

‘God, if you’re real, make it rain.’ 

Next thing I knew the blue sky had turned gray and the rain was pouring down. I have loved the rain ever since; it reminds me that I am not walking through life alone. Someone else is walking with me showing me the way to go. 

“The Lord directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the Lord holds them by the hand.”-Psalm 37:23-24 NLT

After the rain comes the rainbow. 

These days a rainbow means something completely different than what it was originally intended.  Today it stands for pride, but it was really meant to remind us of promise. 

“When I see the rainbow in the clouds, I will remember the eternal covenant between God and every living creature.”-Genesis 9:16 NLT 

The rainbow is a symbol to me that God keeps His promises and the older I get the more I realize He is the ONLY One who can keep any promise. All others are filled with false hope. False hope is having your heart set on something and that might not come true. The Bible says it makes the heart sick, but when your hope is fulfilled, it is life (Proverbs 13:12). When was some time that you really wanted something, but then discovered it was only a pipe dream?  Yeah, I think we have all been there. The Bible also says that not a single promise of the Lord has failed!

Can we say that about the promises we make? 

I know I have made promises that have been broken. However, my Heavenly Father delivers on every promise He makes. Now it may require waiting, but when God delivers, it’ll be more than we can ask or imagine. He is able.  

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work with us.”-Ephesians 3:20 NIV 

In the span of one week, I saw two rainbows and each rainbow reminded me that all HIS promises are yes and amen. It just may require waiting. The waiting is not really waiting it is preparing. He is preparing me to handle what He has in store for me. 

He holds the plans for my life and my job is to release my grasps on the plans I had for my life and dance in His blessing.

Until next time, 

Stay strong, 



This post was me preaching to myself, but I hope you found it encouraging as well.


Asses of ourselves

It’s been a month!

Howdy, friends!!

The past month, I have tried new things. I am stretching and growing myself. 

With all the new, I am learning we can’t put assumptions on our day. When we assume we can make an ass of ourselves.

I am a list girl. I make a to-do list for every day, while that is well and good, we need to leave room in our day for what God wants to do. He is the One who crafted our days, and He is in control of those twenty-four hours. Whatever He wants to happen in those days will happen and there is NOTHING that can stop it. He doesn’t check our planners before dropping the unexpected in our path.  

“Don’t brag about tomorrow since you don’t know what the day will bring.”-Proverbs 27:1 NLT 

We need to lay all our plans at the foot of the cross and say, “not my will, but yours.” We don’t know what God has planned for the day and need to leave room for His surprises. 

I was also reminded that we are not created to do this life alone.  

I was texting my bestie the other day when she said,

“Literally how does anyone survive without friends.”

I replied with, 

“No idea. We weren’t created to do life alone.”

Even Jesus, the perfect Son of God, had twelve guys that He was closest to. Two are better than one. It’s okay to ask for help sometimes. We all have different skill sets and can help each other in the time of need. 

“Iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”-Proverbs 27:17 NLT 

Just some lesson that I am being taught. 

Until next time,

Stay Strong,